


Provides the ability for the SDK Camera Rig to be thrown around with a jumping motion by slingshotting based on the pull back of each valid controller.

Required Components:

  • VRTK_PlayerClimb - A Player Climb script for dealing with the physical throwing of the play area as if throwing off an invisible climbed object.
  • VRTK_BodyPhysics - A Body Physics script to deal with the effects of physics and gravity on the play area.

Optional Components:

  • VRTK_BasicTeleport - A Teleporter script to use when snapping the play area to the nearest floor when releasing from grab.
  • VRTK_HeadsetCollision - A Headset Collision script to determine when the headset is colliding with geometry to know when to reset to a valid location.
  • VRTK_PositionRewind - A Position Rewind script to utilise when resetting to a valid location upon ungrabbing whilst colliding with geometry.

Script Usage:

  • Place the VRTK_SlingshotJump script on the same GameObject as the VRTK_PlayerClimb script.

Inspector Parameters

  • Release Window Time: How close together the button releases have to be to initiate a jump.
  • Velocity Multiplier: Multiplier that increases the jump strength.
  • Velocity Max: The maximum velocity a jump can be.

Class Events

  • SlingshotJumped - Emitted when a slingshot jump occurs

Unity Events

Adding the VRTK_SlingshotJump_UnityEvents component to VRTK_SlingshotJump object allows access to UnityEvents that will react identically to the Class Events.

  • All C# delegate events are mapped to a Unity Event with the On prefix. e.g. MyEvent -> OnMyEvent.

Class Methods


public virtual VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias GetActivationButton()

  • Parameters
    • none
  • Returns
    • VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias - Returns the button used for slingshot activation.

The SetActivationButton method gets the button used to activate a slingshot jump.


public virtual void SetActivationButton(VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias button)

  • Parameters
    • VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias button - The controller button to use to activate the jump.
  • Returns
    • none

The SetActivationButton method sets the button used to activate a slingshot jump.


public virtual VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias GetCancelButton()

  • Parameters
    • none
  • Returns
    • VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias - Returns the button used to cancel a slingshot jump.

The GetCancelButton method gets the button used to cancel a slingshot jump.


public virtual void SetCancelButton(VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias button)

  • Parameters
    • VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias button - The controller button to use to cancel the jump.
  • Returns
    • none

The SetCancelButton method sets the button used to cancel a slingshot jump.


VRTK/Examples/037_CameraRig_ClimbingFalling shows how to set up a scene with slingshot jumping. This script just needs to be added to the PlayArea object and the requested forces and buttons set.

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