

extends VRTK_InteractableListener


Determine whether the Object To Affect should be visible or hidden by default or on interaction (near touch, touch, grab, use).

Required Components:

  • VRTK_InteractableObject - The Interactable Object component to detect interactions on. This must be applied on the same GameObject as this script if one is not provided via the Object To Monitor parameter.

Script Usage:

  • Place the VRTK_InteractObjectAppearance script on either:
    • The GameObject of the Interactable Object to detect interactions on.
    • Any other scene GameObject and provide a valid VRTK_InteractableObject component to the Object To Monitor parameter of this script.
  • Optionally provide a GameObject to the Object To Affect parameter to determine which GameObject to affect the appearance of.

Inspector Parameters

  • Object To Affect: The GameObject to affect the appearance of. If this is null then then the interacting object will be used (usually the controller).
  • Game Object Active By Default: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will be an active GameObject when the script is enabled. If it's unchecked then it will be disabled. This only takes effect if Affect Interacting Object is unticked.
  • Renderer Visible By Default: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will have visible renderers when the script is enabled. If it's unchecked then it will have it's renderers disabled. This only takes effect if Affect Interacting Object is unticked.
  • Game Object Active On Near Touch: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will be an active GameObject when the Object To Monitor is near touched. If it's unchecked then it will be disabled on near touch.
  • Renderer Visible On Near Touch: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will have visible renderers when the Object To Monitor is near touched. If it's unchecked then it will have it's renderers disabled on near touch.
  • Near Touch Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the near touch appearance settings are applied after the near touch event.
  • Near Untouch Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the previous appearance settings are applied after the near untouch event.
  • Valid Near Touch Interacting Object: Determines what type of interacting object will affect the appearance of the Object To Affect after the near touch and near untouch event.
  • Game Object Active On Touch: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will be an active GameObject when the Object To Monitor is touched. If it's unchecked then it will be disabled on touch.
  • Renderer Visible On Touch: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will have visible renderers when the Object To Monitor is touched. If it's unchecked then it will have it's renderers disabled on touch.
  • Touch Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the touch appearance settings are applied after the touch event.
  • Untouch Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the previous appearance settings are applied after the untouch event.
  • Valid Touch Interacting Object: Determines what type of interacting object will affect the appearance of the Object To Affect after the touch/untouch event.
  • Game Object Active On Grab: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will be an active GameObject when the Object To Monitor is grabbed. If it's unchecked then it will be disabled on grab.
  • Renderer Visible On Grab: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will have visible renderers when the Object To Monitor is grabbed. If it's unchecked then it will have it's renderers disabled on grab.
  • Grab Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the grab appearance settings are applied after the grab event.
  • Ungrab Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the previous appearance settings are applied after the ungrab event.
  • Valid Grab Interacting Object: Determines what type of interacting object will affect the appearance of the Object To Affect after the grab/ungrab event.
  • Game Object Active On Use: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will be an active GameObject when the Object To Monitor is used. If it's unchecked then it will be disabled on use.
  • Renderer Visible On Use: If this is checked then the Object To Affect will have visible renderers when the Object To Monitor is used. If it's unchecked then it will have it's renderers disabled on use.
  • Use Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the use appearance settings are applied after the use event.
  • Unuse Appearance Delay: The amount of time to wait before the previous appearance settings are applied after the unuse event.
  • Valid Use Interacting Object: Determines what type of interacting object will affect the appearance of the Object To Affect after the use/unuse event.

Class Variables

  • public enum ValidInteractingObject - The valid interacting object.
    • Anything - Any GameObject is considered a valid interacting object.
    • EitherController - Only a game controller is considered a valid interacting objcet.
    • NeitherController - Any GameObject except a game controller is considered a valid interacting object.
    • LeftControllerOnly - Only the left game controller is considered a valid interacting objcet.
    • RightControllerOnly - Only the right game controller is considered a valid interacting objcet.

Class Events

  • GameObjectEnabled - Emitted when the GameObject on the Object To Affect is enabled.
  • GameObjectDisabled - Emitted when the GameObject on the Object To Affect is disabled.
  • RenderersEnabled - Emitted when the Renderers on the Object To Affect are enabled.
  • RenderersDisabled - Emitted when the Renderers on the Object To Affect are disabled.

Unity Events

Adding the VRTK_InteractObjectAppearance_UnityEvents component to VRTK_InteractObjectAppearance object allows access to UnityEvents that will react identically to the Class Events.

  • All C# delegate events are mapped to a Unity Event with the On prefix. e.g. MyEvent -> OnMyEvent.

Event Payload

  • GameObject affectingObject - The GameObject that is being affected.
  • VRTK_InteractableObject monitoringObject - The Interactable Object that is being monitored.
  • VRTK_InteractableObject.InteractionType interactionType - The type of interaction initiating the event.


VRTK/Examples/008_Controller_UsingAGrabbedObject shows that the controller can be hidden when touching, grabbing and using an object.

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