

extends VRTK_BaseJointGrabAttach


Attaches the grabbed Interactable Object to the grabbing object via a custom Joint.

The Interactable Object will be attached to the grabbing object via a custom Joint and the Joint can be broken upon colliding the Interactable Object with other colliders.

Script Usage:

  • Place the VRTK_CustomJointGrabAttach script on either:
    • The GameObject of the Interactable Object to detect interactions on.
    • Any other scene GameObject and then link that GameObject to the Interactable Objects Grab Attach Mechanic Script parameter to denote use of the grab mechanic.
  • Create a Joint component suitable for attaching the grabbed Interactable Object to the grabbing object with and provide it to the Custom Joint parameter.

Inspector Parameters

  • Custom Joint: The joint to use for the grab attach joint.


VRTK/Examples/021_Controller_GrabbingObjectsWithJoints demonstrates this grab attach mechanic on the Lamp object in the scene.

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