

extends VRTK_SDKControllerReady


The SDK Object State script can be used to set the enable/active state of a GameObject or Component based on SDK information.

The state can be determined by:

  • The current loaded SDK setup.
  • The current attached Headset type.
  • The current attached Controller type.

Inspector Parameters

  • Target: The GameObject or Component that is the target of the enable/disable action. If this is left blank then the GameObject that the script is attached to will be used as the Target.
  • Object State: The state to set the Target to when this script is enabled. Checking this box will enable/activate the Target, unchecking will disable/deactivate the Target.
  • Loaded SDK Setup: If the currently loaded SDK Setup matches the one provided here then the Target state will be set to the desired Object State.
  • Headset Type: If the attached headset type matches the selected headset then the Target state will be set to the desired Object State.
  • Controller Type: If the current controller type matches the selected controller type then the Target state will be set to the desired Object State.

Class Methods


public virtual void SetStateByControllerReference(VRTK_ControllerReference controllerReference)

  • Parameters
    • VRTK_ControllerReference controllerReference - A controller reference to check for the controller type of.
  • Returns
    • none

The SetStateByControllerReference method sets the object state based on the controller type of the given controller reference.

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