extends SDK_Base
The Base System SDK script provides a bridge to core system SDK methods.
This is an abstract class to implement the interface required by all implemented SDKs.
Class Methods
public abstract bool IsDisplayOnDesktop();
- Parameters
- none
- Returns
- Returns true if the display is extending the desktop
The IsDisplayOnDesktop method returns true if the display is extending the desktop.
public abstract bool ShouldAppRenderWithLowResources();
- Parameters
- none
- Returns
- Returns true if the Unity app should render with low resources.
The ShouldAppRenderWithLowResources method is used to determine if the Unity app should use low resource mode. Typically true when the dashboard is showing.
public abstract void ForceInterleavedReprojectionOn(bool force);
- Parameters
bool force
- If true then Interleaved Reprojection will be forced on, if false it will not be forced on.
- Returns
- none
The ForceInterleavedReprojectionOn method determines whether Interleaved Reprojection should be forced on or off.
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