These docs are for v3.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.



The UI Canvas is used to denote which World Canvases are interactable by a UI Pointer.

When the script is enabled it will disable the Graphic Raycaster on the canvas and create a custom UI Graphics Raycaster and the Blocking Objects and Blocking Mask settings are copied over from the Graphic Raycaster.

Inspector Parameters

  • Click On Pointer Collision: Determines if a UI Click action should happen when a UI Pointer game object collides with this canvas.
  • Auto Activate Within Distance: Determines if a UI Pointer will be auto activated if a UI Pointer game object comes within the given distance of this canvas. If a value of 0 is given then no auto activation will occur.


VRTK/Examples/034_Controls_InteractingWithUnityUI uses the VRTK_UICanvas script on two of the canvases to show how the UI Pointer can interact with them.