These docs are for v3.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.



The Interact Haptics script is attached along side the Interactable Object script and provides controller haptics on touch, grab and use of the object.

Inspector Parameters

  • Strength On Touch: Denotes how strong the rumble in the controller will be on touch.
  • Duration On Touch: Denotes how long the rumble in the controller will last on touch.
  • Interval On Touch: Denotes interval betweens rumble in the controller on touch.
  • Strength On Grab: Denotes how strong the rumble in the controller will be on grab.
  • Duration On Grab: Denotes how long the rumble in the controller will last on grab.
  • Interval On Grab: Denotes interval betweens rumble in the controller on grab.
  • Strength On Use: Denotes how strong the rumble in the controller will be on use.
  • Duration On Use: Denotes how long the rumble in the controller will last on use.
  • Interval On Use: Denotes interval betweens rumble in the controller on use.

Class Methods


public void HapticsOnTouch(VRTK_ControllerActions controllerActions)

  • Parameters
  • VRTK_ControllerActions controllerActions - The controller to activate the haptic feedback on.
  • Returns
  • none

The HapticsOnTouch method triggers the haptic feedback on the given controller for the settings associated with touch.


public void HapticsOnGrab(VRTK_ControllerActions controllerActions)

  • Parameters
  • VRTK_ControllerActions controllerActions - The controller to activate the haptic feedback on.
  • Returns
  • none

The HapticsOnGrab method triggers the haptic feedback on the given controller for the settings associated with grab.


public void HapticsOnUse(VRTK_ControllerActions controllerActions)

  • Parameters
  • VRTK_ControllerActions controllerActions - The controller to activate the haptic feedback on.
  • Returns
  • none

The HapticsOnUse method triggers the haptic feedback on the given controller for the settings associated with use.