These docs are for v3.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.


extends ScriptableObject


The Base Boundaries SDK script provides a bridge to SDK methods that deal with the play area of SDKs that support room scale play spaces.

This is an abstract class to implement the interface required by all implemented SDKs.

Class Methods


public abstract void InitBoundaries();

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • none

The InitBoundaries method is run on start of scene and can be used to initialse anything on game start.


public abstract Transform GetPlayArea();

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • Transform - A transform of the object representing the play area in the scene.

The GetPlayArea method returns the Transform of the object that is used to represent the play area in the scene.


public abstract Vector3[] GetPlayAreaVertices(GameObject playArea);

  • Parameters
  • GameObject playArea - The GameObject containing the play area representation.
  • Returns
  • Vector3[] - A Vector3 array of the points in the scene that represent the play area boundaries.

The GetPlayAreaVertices method returns the points of the play area boundaries.


public abstract float GetPlayAreaBorderThickness(GameObject playArea);

  • Parameters
  • GameObject playArea - The GameObject containing the play area representation.
  • Returns
  • float - The thickness of the drawn border.

The GetPlayAreaBorderThickness returns the thickness of the drawn border for the given play area.


public abstract bool IsPlayAreaSizeCalibrated(GameObject playArea);

  • Parameters
  • GameObject playArea - The GameObject containing the play area representation.
  • Returns
  • bool - Returns true if the play area size has been auto calibrated and set by external sensors.

The IsPlayAreaSizeCalibrated method returns whether the given play area size has been auto calibrated by external sensors.