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extends VRTK_BaseGrabAction


The Axis Scale Grab Action provides a mechanism to scale objects when they are grabbed with a secondary controller.

Inspector Parameters

  • Ungrab Distance: The distance the secondary controller must move away from the original grab position before the secondary controller auto ungrabs the object.
  • Lock X Axis: If checked the current X Axis of the object won't be scaled
  • Lock Y Axis: If checked the current Y Axis of the object won't be scaled
  • Lock Z Axis: If checked the current Z Axis of the object won't be scaled
  • Uniform Scaling: If checked all the axes will be scaled together (unless locked)

Class Methods


public override void Initialise(VRTK_InteractableObject currentGrabbdObject, VRTK_InteractGrab currentPrimaryGrabbingObject, VRTK_InteractGrab currentSecondaryGrabbingObject, Transform primaryGrabPoint, Transform secondaryGrabPoint)

  • Parameters
  • VRTK_InteractableObject currentGrabbdObject - The Interactable Object script for the object currently being grabbed by the primary controller.
  • VRTK_InteractGrab currentPrimaryGrabbingObject - The Interact Grab script for the object that is associated with the primary controller.
  • VRTK_InteractGrab currentSecondaryGrabbingObject - The Interact Grab script for the object that is associated with the secondary controller.
  • Transform primaryGrabPoint - The point on the object where the primary controller initially grabbed the object.
  • Transform secondaryGrabPoint - The point on the object where the secondary controller initially grabbed the object.
  • Returns
  • none

The Initalise method is used to set up the state of the secondary action when the object is initially grabbed by a secondary controller.


public override void ProcessUpdate()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • none

The ProcessUpdate method runs in every Update on the Interactable Object whilst it is being grabbed by a secondary controller.


public override void ProcessFixedUpdate()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • none

The ProcessFixedUpdate method runs in every FixedUpdate on the Interactable Object whilst it is being grabbed by a secondary controller and performs the scaling action.


VRTK/Examples/043_Controller_SecondaryControllerActions demonstrates the ability to grab an object with one controller and scale it by grabbing and pulling with the second controller.