These docs are for v3.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions that are not answered here, be sure to check out the VRTK GitHub Issues page and raise any bugs or feature requests.

Alternatively, if you have any general setup issues or other questions relating to VRTK then visit the official Slack channel at to join a vibrant and helpful community.


I'm using VRTK version 3.0.0 and I've just upgraded my Unity SteamVR Plugin to version 1.2.0 and now I'm getting errors.

You will need to upgrade to version 3.0.1 to fix the issue caused by SteamVR 1.2.0.
It is also required that to do the update, you delete the VRTK directory and re-add it in otherwise Unity may fail to update the files correctly if they are simply copied over and overwrite the old VRTK version 3.0.0 files.

I've upgraded to VRTK version 3 and I'm getting errors using Unity 5.3.

VRTK version 3 does not support Unity 5.3 so you will need to update to Unity 5.4 or above. VRTK aims to only provide support for the recent and current version of Unity (e.g. recent is 5.4 and current is 5.5). VRTK also does not support Unity beta versions.

I'm using Unity version xx or a beta version of Unity and VRTK is throwing errors.

VRTK aims to only provide support for the recent and current version of Unity (e.g. recent is 5.4 and current is 5.5). VRTK also does not support Unity beta versions. If you are on a supported version and still have an issue then raise a bug report on the VRTK GitHub Issues page.

I've upgraded from VRTK version 2.2.1 to version 3 and many of the VRTK scripts are missing or have changed.

Watch Road to Version 3.0

Getting Started

Should I be using the Unity Asset Store version or the GitHub master version of VRTK?

The GitHub master version of VRTK is always the most up to date version with more features and bug fixes, however it is not as stable as the GitHub releases or the Unity Asset Store version. It is recommended that to keep up to date with the latest features, the GitHub master version is used.

How can I use VRTK with the Unity SteamVR Plugin?

Watch Getting Started with SteamVR

How can I use VRTK with the Oculus Utilities for Unity?

Watch Getting Started with Oculus SDK

How can I implement Oculus Avatar Unity package with VRTK?

Watch Getting Started with Oculus Avatar

How do I upgrade from version 2.2.1 to version 3?

Watch Road to Version 3.0

Where can I find the documentation for VRTK?

The documentation can be found online at and are also included in the repository as a Documentation Markdown file and Documentation PDF file.

Are there any video tutorials to help get started?

Yes, visit the Official VRTK YouTube Channel

Does VRTK provide x feature?

Check the Example Scenes first and see if the feature you're after is demonstrated, if not then ask in Slack and finally raise a new GitHub Issue.


How do I automatically grab an object to a controller either when the scene starts or just on touch?

Watch How to automatically grab objects

Which grab mechanic should I be using?

Watch Grab attach mechanics


Where can I get the VRTK logo to use in my game on a splash screen or elsewhere?

There are a number of graphic assets containing the VRTK logo and pig icon in the Image Resources directory.

Where can I see which features are being worked on and when they are likely to be released?

You can check out the project roadmap at which shows the current issues being worked on and what's also in the pipeline for the future.