VR Simulator CameraRig
The VRSimulatorCameraRig
prefab is a mock Camera Rig set up that can be used to develop with VRTK without the need for VR Hardware.
Use the mouse and keyboard to move around both play area and hands and interacting with objects without the need of a hmd or VR controls.
Inspector Parameters
- Hide Hands At Switch: Hide hands when disabling them.
- Reset Hands At Switch: Reset hand position and rotation when enabling them.
- Hand Move Multiplier: Adjust hand movement speed.
- Hand Rotation Multiplier: Adjust hand rotation speed.
- Player Move Multiplier: Adjust player movement speed.
- Player Rotation Multiplier: Adjust player rotation speed.
- Change Hands: Key used to switch between left and righ hand.
- Hands On Off: Key used to switch hands On/Off.
- Rotation Position: Key used to switch between positional and rotational movement.
- Change Axis: Key used to switch between X/Y and X/Z axis.
Class Methods
public static GameObject FindInScene()
- Parameters
- none
- Returns
- Returns the foundVRSimulatorCameraRig
GameObject if it is found. If it is not found then it prints a debug log error.
The FindInScene method is used to find the VRSimulatorCameraRig
GameObject within the current scene.
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