These docs are for v3.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.



The Controller Events script deals with events that the game controller is sending out.

The Controller Events script requires the Controller Mapper script on the same GameObject and provides event listeners for every button press on the controller (excluding the System Menu button as this cannot be overridden and is always used by Steam).

When a controller button is pressed, the script emits an event to denote that the button has been pressed which allows other scripts to listen for this event without needing to implement any controller logic. When a controller button is released, the script also emits an event denoting that the button has been released.

The script also has a public boolean pressed state for the buttons to allow the script to be queried by other scripts to check if a button is being held down.

Inspector Parameters

  • Pointer Toggle Button: The button to use for the action of turning a laser pointer on / off.
  • Pointer Set Button: The button to use for the action of setting a destination marker from the cursor position of the pointer.
  • Grab Toggle Button: The button to use for the action of grabbing game objects.
  • Use Toggle Button: The button to use for the action of using game objects.
  • Ui Click Button: The button to use for the action of clicking a UI element.
  • Menu Toggle Button: The button to use for the action of bringing up an in-game menu.
  • Axis Fidelity: The amount of fidelity in the changes on the axis, which is defaulted to 1. Any number higher than 2 will probably give too sensitive results.
  • Trigger Click Threshold: The level on the trigger axis to reach before a click is registered.
  • Grip Click Threshold: The level on the grip axis to reach before a click is registered.

Class Variables

  • public enum ButtonAlias - Button types
  • Trigger_Hairline - The trigger is squeezed past the current hairline threshold.
  • Trigger_Touch - The trigger is squeezed a small amount.
  • Trigger_Press - The trigger is squeezed about half way in.
  • Trigger_Click - The trigger is squeezed all the way down.
  • Grip_Hairline - The grip is squeezed past the current hairline threshold.
  • Grip_Touch - The grip button is touched.
  • Grip_Press - The grip button is pressed.
  • Grip_Click - The grip button is pressed all the way down.
  • Touchpad_Touch - The touchpad is touched (without pressing down to click).
  • Touchpad_Press - The touchpad is pressed (to the point of hearing a click).
  • Button_One_Touch - The button one is touched.
  • Button_One_Press - The button one is pressed.
  • Undefined - No button specified
  • public bool triggerPressed - This will be true if the trigger is squeezed about half way in. Default: false
  • public bool triggerTouched - This will be true if the trigger is squeezed a small amount. Default: false
  • public bool triggerHairlinePressed - This will be true if the trigger is squeezed a small amount more from any previous squeeze on the trigger. Default: false
  • public bool triggerClicked - This will be true if the trigger is squeezed all the way down. Default: false
  • public bool triggerAxisChanged - This will be true if the trigger has been squeezed more or less. Default: false
  • public bool gripPressed - This will be true if the grip is squeezed about half way in. Default: false
  • public bool gripTouched - This will be true if the grip is touched. Default: false
  • public bool gripHairlinePressed - This will be true if the grip is squeezed a small amount more from any previous squeeze on the grip. Default: false
  • public bool gripClicked - This will be true if the grip is squeezed all the way down. Default: false
  • public bool gripAxisChanged - This will be true if the grip has been squeezed more or less. Default: false
  • public bool touchpadPressed - This will be true if the touchpad is held down. Default: false
  • public bool touchpadTouched - This will be true if the touchpad is being touched. Default: false
  • public bool touchpadAxisChanged - This will be true if the touchpad touch position has changed. Default: false
  • public bool buttonOnePressed - This will be true if button one is held down. Default: false
  • public bool buttonOneTouched - This will be true if button one is being touched. Default: false
  • public bool buttonTwoPressed - This will be true if button two is held down. Default: false
  • public bool buttonTwoTouched - This will be true if button two is being touched. Default: false
  • public bool pointerPressed - This will be true if the button aliased to the pointer is held down. Default: false
  • public bool grabPressed - This will be true if the button aliased to the grab is held down. Default: false
  • public bool usePressed - This will be true if the button aliased to the use is held down. Default: false
  • public bool uiClickPressed - This will be true if the button aliased to the UI click is held down. Default: false
  • public bool menuPressed - This will be true if the button aliased to the menu is held down. Default: false

Class Events

  • TriggerPressed - Emitted when the trigger is squeezed about half way in.
  • TriggerReleased - Emitted when the trigger is released under half way.
  • TriggerTouchStart - Emitted when the trigger is squeezed a small amount.
  • TriggerTouchEnd - Emitted when the trigger is no longer being squeezed at all.
  • TriggerHairlineStart - Emitted when the trigger is squeezed past the current hairline threshold.
  • TriggerHairlineEnd - Emitted when the trigger is released past the current hairline threshold.
  • TriggerClicked - Emitted when the trigger is squeezed all the way down.
  • TriggerUnclicked - Emitted when the trigger is no longer being held all the way down.
  • TriggerAxisChanged - Emitted when the amount of squeeze on the trigger changes.
  • GripPressed - Emitted when the grip is squeezed about half way in.
  • GripReleased - Emitted when the grip is released under half way.
  • GripTouchStart - Emitted when the grip is squeezed a small amount.
  • GripTouchEnd - Emitted when the grip is no longer being squeezed at all.
  • GripHairlineStart - Emitted when the grip is squeezed past the current hairline threshold.
  • GripHairlineEnd - Emitted when the grip is released past the current hairline threshold.
  • GripClicked - Emitted when the grip is squeezed all the way down.
  • GripUnclicked - Emitted when the grip is no longer being held all the way down.
  • GripAxisChanged - Emitted when the amount of squeeze on the grip changes.
  • TouchpadPressed - Emitted when the touchpad is pressed (to the point of hearing a click).
  • TouchpadReleased - Emitted when the touchpad has been released after a pressed state.
  • TouchpadTouchStart - Emitted when the touchpad is touched (without pressing down to click).
  • TouchpadTouchEnd - Emitted when the touchpad is no longer being touched.
  • TouchpadAxisChanged - Emitted when the touchpad is being touched in a different location.
  • ButtonOneTouchStart - Emitted when button one is touched.
  • ButtonOneTouchEnd - Emitted when button one is no longer being touched.
  • ButtonOnePressed - Emitted when button one is pressed.
  • ButtonOneReleased - Emitted when button one is released.
  • ButtonTwoTouchStart - Emitted when button two is touched.
  • ButtonTwoTouchEnd - Emitted when button two is no longer being touched.
  • ButtonTwoPressed - Emitted when button two is pressed.
  • ButtonTwoReleased - Emitted when button two is released.
  • AliasPointerOn - Emitted when the pointer toggle alias button is pressed.
  • AliasPointerOff - Emitted when the pointer toggle alias button is released.
  • AliasPointerSet - Emitted when the pointer set alias button is released.
  • AliasGrabOn - Emitted when the grab toggle alias button is pressed.
  • AliasGrabOff - Emitted when the grab toggle alias button is released.
  • AliasUseOn - Emitted when the use toggle alias button is pressed.
  • AliasUseOff - Emitted when the use toggle alias button is released.
  • AliasMenuOn - Emitted when the menu toggle alias button is pressed.
  • AliasMenuOff - Emitted when the menu toggle alias button is released.
  • AliasUIClickOn - Emitted when the UI click alias button is pressed.
  • AliasUIClickOff - Emitted when the UI click alias button is released.
  • ControllerEnabled - Emitted when the controller is enabled.
  • ControllerDisabled - Emitted when the controller is disabled.
  • ControllerIndexChanged - Emitted when the controller index changed.

Unity Events

Adding the VRTK_ControllerEvents_UnityEvents component to VRTK_ControllerEvents object allows access to UnityEvents that will react identically to the Class Events.

  • OnTriggerPressed - Emits the TriggerPressed class event.
  • OnTriggerReleased - Emits the TriggerReleased class event.
  • OnTriggerTouchStart - Emits the TriggerTouchStart class event.
  • OnTriggerTouchEnd - Emits the TriggerTouchEnd class event.
  • OnTriggerHairlineStart - Emits the TriggerHairlineStart class event.
  • OnTriggerHairlineEnd - Emits the TriggerHairlineEnd class event.
  • OnTriggerClicked - Emits the TriggerClicked class event.
  • OnTriggerUnclicked - Emits the TriggerUnclicked class event.
  • OnTriggerAxisChanged - Emits the TriggerAxisChanged class event.
  • OnGripPressed - Emits the GripPressed class event.
  • OnGripReleased - Emits the GripReleased class event.
  • OnGripTouchStart - Emits the GripTouchStart class event.
  • OnGripTouchEnd - Emits the GripTouchEnd class event.
  • OnGripHairlineStart - Emits the GripHairlineStart class event.
  • OnGripHairlineEnd - Emits the GripHairlineEnd class event.
  • OnGripClicked - Emits the GripClicked class event.
  • OnGripUnclicked - Emits the GripUnclicked class event.
  • OnGripAxisChanged - Emits the GripAxisChanged class event.
  • OnTouchpadPressed - Emits the TouchpadPressed class event.
  • OnTouchpadReleased - Emits the TouchpadReleased class event.
  • OnTouchpadTouchStart - Emits the TouchpadTouchStart class event.
  • OnTouchpadTouchEnd - Emits the TouchpadTouchEnd class event.
  • OnTouchpadAxisChanged - Emits the TouchpadAxisChanged class event.
  • OnButtonOnePressed - Emits the ButtonOnePressed class event.
  • OnButtonOneReleased - Emits the ButtonOneReleased class event.
  • OnButtonOneTouchStart - Emits the ButtonOneTouchStart class event.
  • OnButtonOneTouchEnd - Emits the ButtonOneTouchEnd class event.
  • OnButtonTwoPressed - Emits the ButtonTwoPressed class event.
  • OnButtonTwoReleased - Emits the ButtonTwoReleased class event.
  • OnButtonTwoTouchStart - Emits the ButtonTwoTouchStart class event.
  • OnButtonTwoTouchEnd - Emits the ButtonTwoTouchEnd class event.
  • OnAliasPointerOn - Emits the AliasPointerOn class event.
  • OnAliasPointerOff - Emits the AliasPointerOff class event.
  • OnAliasPointerSet - Emits the AliasPointerSet class event.
  • OnAliasGrabOn - Emits the AliasGrabOn class event.
  • OnAliasGrabOff - Emits the AliasGrabOff class event.
  • OnAliasUseOn - Emits the AliasUseOn class event.
  • OnAliasUseOff - Emits the AliasUseOff class event.
  • OnAliasUIClickOn - Emits the AliasMenuOn class event.
  • OnAliasUIClickOff - Emits the AliasMenuOff class event.
  • OnAliasMenuOn - Emits the AliasUIClickOn class event.
  • OnAliasMenuOff - Emits the AliasUIClickOff class event.
  • OnControllerEnabled - Emits the ControllerEnabled class event.
  • OnControllerDisabled - Emits the ControllerDisabled class event.
  • OnControllerIndexChanged - Emits the ControllerIndexChanged class event.

Event Payload

  • uint controllerIndex - The index of the controller that was used.
  • float buttonPressure - The amount of pressure being applied to the button pressed. 0f to 1f.
  • Vector2 touchpadAxis - The position the touchpad is touched at. (0,0) to (1,1).
  • float touchpadAngle - The rotational position the touchpad is being touched at, 0 being top, 180 being bottom and all other angles accordingly. 0f to 360f.

Class Methods


public Vector3 GetVelocity()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • Vector3 - A 3 dimensional vector containing the current real world physical controller velocity.

The GetVelocity method is useful for getting the current velocity of the physical game controller. This can be useful to determine the speed at which the controller is being swung or the direction it is being moved in.


public Vector3 GetAngularVelocity()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • Vector3 - A 3 dimensional vector containing the current real world physical controller angular (rotational) velocity.

The GetAngularVelocity method is useful for getting the current rotational velocity of the physical game controller. This can be useful for determining which way the controller is being rotated and at what speed the rotation is occurring.


public Vector2 GetTouchpadAxis()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • Vector2 - A 2 dimensional vector containing the x and y position of where the touchpad is being touched. (0,0) to (1,1).

The GetTouchpadAxis method returns the coordinates of where the touchpad is being touched and can be used for directional input via the touchpad. The x value is the horizontal touch plane and the y value is the vertical touch plane.


public float GetTouchpadAxisAngle()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • float - A float representing the angle of where the touchpad is being touched. 0f to 360f.

The GetTouchpadAxisAngle method returns the angle of where the touchpad is currently being touched with the top of the touchpad being 0 degrees and the bottom of the touchpad being 180 degrees.


public float GetTriggerAxis()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • float - A float representing the amount of squeeze that is being applied to the trigger. 0f to 1f.

The GetTriggerAxis method returns a float that represents how much the trigger is being squeezed. This can be useful for using the trigger axis to perform high fidelity tasks or only activating the trigger press once it has exceeded a given press threshold.


public float GetGripAxis()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • float - A float representing the amount of squeeze that is being applied to the grip. 0f to 1f.

The GetGripAxis method returns a float that represents how much the grip is being squeezed. This can be useful for using the grip axis to perform high fidelity tasks or only activating the grip press once it has exceeded a given press threshold.


public float GetHairTriggerDelta()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • float - A float representing the difference in the trigger pressure from the hairline threshold start to current position.

The GetHairTriggerDelta method returns a float representing the difference in how much the trigger is being pressed in relation to the hairline threshold start.


public float GetHairGripDelta()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • float - A float representing the difference in the trigger pressure from the hairline threshold start to current position.

The GetHairTriggerDelta method returns a float representing the difference in how much the trigger is being pressed in relation to the hairline threshold start.


public bool AnyButtonPressed()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • bool - Is true if any of the controller buttons are currently being pressed.

The AnyButtonPressed method returns true if any of the controller buttons are being pressed and this can be useful to determine if an action can be taken whilst the user is using the controller.


public bool IsButtonPressed(ButtonAlias button)

  • Parameters
  • ButtonAlias button - The button to check if it's being pressed.
  • Returns
  • bool - Is true if the button is being pressed.

The IsButtonPressed method takes a given button alias and returns a boolean whether that given button is currently being pressed or not.


VRTK/Examples/002_Controller_Events shows how the events are utilised and listened to. The accompanying example script can be viewed in VRTK/Examples/Resources/Scripts/VRTK_ControllerEvents_ListenerExample.cs.