These docs are for v3.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.

Console Viewer


This canvas adds the unity console log to a world game object. To use the prefab, it simply needs to be placed into the scene and it will be visible in world space. It's also possible to child it to other objects such as the controller so it can track where the user is.

It's also recommended to use the Simple Pointer and UI Pointer on a controller to interact with the Console Viewer Canvas as it has a scrollable text area, a button to clear the log and a checkbox to toggle whether the log messages are collapsed.

Inspector Parameters

  • Font Size: The size of the font the log text is displayed in.
  • Info Message: The colour of the text for an info log message.
  • Assert Message: The colour of the text for an assertion log message.
  • Warning Message: The colour of the text for a warning log message.
  • Error Message: The colour of the text for an error log message.
  • Exception Message: The colour of the text for an exception log message.

Class Methods


public void SetCollapse(bool state)

  • Parameters
  • bool state - The state of whether to collapse the output messages, true will collapse and false will not collapse.
  • Returns
  • none

The SetCollapse method determines whether the console will collapse same message output into the same line. A state of true will collapse messages and false will print the same message for each line.


public void ClearLog()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • none

The ClearLog method clears the current log view of all messages