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Panel Menu Item Controller


Purpose: panel item controller class that intercepts the controller events sent from a [PanelMenuController] and passes them onto additional custom event subscriber scripts, which then carry out the required custom UI actions.

This script should be attached to a VRTK_InteractableObject > [PanelMenuController] > [panel items container] > child GameObject (See the [PanelMenuController] class for more details on setup structure.).
To show / hide a UI panel, you must first pick up the VRTK_InteractableObject and then by pressing the touchpad top/bottom/left/right you can open/close the child UI panel that has been assigned via the Unity Editor panel.

Class Events

  • PanelMenuItemShowing - Emitted when the panel menu item is showing.
  • PanelMenuItemHiding - Emitted when the panel menu item is hiding.
  • PanelMenuItemSwipeLeft - Emitted when the panel menu item is open and the user swipes left on the controller touchpad.
  • PanelMenuItemSwipeRight - Emitted when the panel menu item is open and the user swipes right on the controller touchpad.
  • PanelMenuItemSwipeTop - Emitted when the panel menu item is open and the user swipes top on the controller touchpad.
  • PanelMenuItemSwipeBottom - Emitted when the panel menu item is open and the user swipes bottom on the controller touchpad.
  • PanelMenuItemTriggerPressed - Emitted when the panel menu item is open and the user presses the trigger of the controller holding the interactable object.

Event Payload

  • GameObject interactableObject - The GameObject for the interactable object the PanelMenu is attached to.


040_Controls_Panel_Menu contains three basic interactive object examples of the PanelMenu in use.