These docs are for v3.1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.



The Position Rewind script is used to reset the user back to a good known standing position upon receiving a headset collision event.

Inspector Parameters

  • Rewind Delay: The amount of time from original headset collision until the rewind to the last good known position takes place.
  • Pushback Distance: The additional distance to push the play area back upon rewind to prevent being right next to the wall again.
  • Crouch Threshold: The threshold to determine how low the headset has to be before it is considered the user is crouching. The last good position will only be recorded in a non-crouching position.


VRTK/Examples/017_CameraRig_TouchpadWalking has the position rewind script to reset the user's position if they walk into objects.