These docs are for v3.1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.



It is possible to automatically grab an Interactable Object to a specific controller by applying the Object Auto Grab script to the controller that the object should be grabbed by default.

Inspector Parameters

  • Object To Grab: A game object (either within the scene or a prefab) that will be grabbed by the controller on game start.
  • Object Is Prefab: If the Object To Grab is a prefab then this needs to be checked, if the Object To Grab already exists in the scene then this needs to be unchecked.
  • Clone Grabbed Object: If this is checked then the Object To Grab will be cloned into a new object and attached to the controller leaving the existing object in the scene. This is required if the same object is to be grabbed to both controllers as a single object cannot be grabbed by different controllers at the same time. It is also required to clone a grabbed object if it is a prefab as it needs to exist within the scene to be grabbed.
  • Always Clone On Enable: If Clone Grabbed Object is checked and this is checked, then whenever this script is disabled and re-enabled, it will always create a new clone of the object to grab. If this is false then the original cloned object will attempt to be grabbed again. If the original cloned object no longer exists then a new clone will be created.

Class Methods


public void ClearPreviousClone()

  • Parameters
  • none
  • Returns
  • none

The ClearPreviousClone method resets the previous cloned object to null to ensure when the script is re-enabled that a new cloned object is created, rather than the original clone being grabbed again.


VRTK/Examples/026_Controller_ForceHoldObject shows how to automatically grab a sword to each controller and also prevents the swords from being dropped so they are permanently attached to the user's controllers.