These docs are for v3.2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.



The Player Climb allows player movement based on grabbing of VRTK_InteractableObject objects that have a Climbable grab attach script. Because it works by grabbing, each controller should have a VRTK_InteractGrab and VRTK_InteractTouch component attached.

Inspector Parameters

  • Use Player Scale: Will scale movement up and down based on the player transform's scale.
  • Body Physics: The VRTK Body Physics script to use for dealing with climbing and falling. If this is left blank then the script will need to be applied to the same GameObject.
  • Teleporter: The VRTK Teleport script to use when snapping to nearest floor on release. If this is left blank then a Teleport script will need to be applied to the same GameObject.
  • Headset Collision: The VRTK Headset Collision script to use for determining if the user is climbing inside a collidable object. If this is left blank then the script will need to be applied to the same GameObject.
  • Position Rewind: The VRTK Position Rewind script to use for dealing resetting invalid positions. If this is left blank then the script will need to be applied to the same GameObject.

Class Events

  • PlayerClimbStarted - Emitted when player climbing has started.
  • PlayerClimbEnded - Emitted when player climbing has ended.

Unity Events

Adding the VRTK_PlayerClimb_UnityEvents component to VRTK_PlayerClimb object allows access to UnityEvents that will react identically to the Class Events.

  • All C# delegate events are mapped to a Unity Event with the On prefix. e.g. MyEvent -> OnMyEvent.

Event Payload

  • VRTK_ControllerReference controllerReference - The reference to the controller doing the interaction.
  • GameObject target - The GameObject of the interactable object that is being interacted with by the controller.


VRTK/Examples/037_CameraRig_ClimbingFalling shows how to set up a scene with player climbing. There are many different examples showing how the same system can be used in unique ways.