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The Object Appearance script provides a collection of static methods for controlling the appearance of a GameObject.

The GameObject can have it's opacity changed, or it's renderers toggled, or highlighters toggled.

Class Methods


public static void SetOpacity(GameObject model, float alpha, float transitionDuration = 0f)

  • Parameters
  • GameObject model - The GameObject to change the renderer opacity on.
  • float alpha - The alpha level to apply to opacity of the controller object. 0f to 1f.
  • float transitionDuration - The time to transition from the current opacity to the new opacity.
  • Returns
  • none

The SetOpacity method allows the opacity of the given GameObject to be changed. A lower alpha value will make the object more transparent, such as 0.5f will make the controller partially transparent where as 0f will make the controller completely transparent.


public static void SetRendererVisible(GameObject model, GameObject ignoredModel = null)

  • Parameters
  • GameObject model - The GameObject to show the renderers for.
  • GameObject ignoredModel - An optional GameObject to ignore the renderer toggle on.
  • Returns
  • none

The SetRendererVisible method turns on renderers of a given GameObject. It can also be provided with an optional model to ignore the render toggle on.


public static void SetRendererHidden(GameObject model, GameObject ignoredModel = null)

  • Parameters
  • GameObject model - The GameObject to hide the renderers for.
  • GameObject ignoredModel - An optional GameObject to ignore the renderer toggle on.
  • Returns
  • none

The SetRendererHidden method turns off renderers of a given GameObject. It can also be provided with an optional model to ignore the render toggle on.


public static void ToggleRenderer(bool state, GameObject model, GameObject ignoredModel = null)

  • Parameters
  • bool state - If true then the renderers will be enabled, if false the renderers will be disabled.
  • GameObject model - The GameObject to toggle the renderer states of.
  • GameObject ignoredModel - An optional GameObject to ignore the renderer toggle on.
  • Returns
  • none

The ToggleRenderer method turns on or off the renderers of a given GameObject. It can also be provided with an optional model to ignore the render toggle of.


public static void HighlightObject(GameObject model, Color? highlightColor, float fadeDuration = 0f)

  • Parameters
  • GameObject model - The GameObject to attempt to call the Highlight on.
  • Color? highlightColor - The colour to highlight to.
  • float fadeDuration - The duration in time to fade from the initial colour to the target colour.
  • Returns
  • none

The HighlightObject method calls the Highlight method on the highlighter attached to the given GameObject with the provided colour.


public static void UnhighlightObject(GameObject model)

  • Parameters
  • GameObject model - The GameObject to attempt to call the Unhighlight on.
  • Returns
  • none

The UnhighlightObject method calls the Unhighlight method on the highlighter attached to the given GameObject.