These docs are for v3.2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.0.


extends Attribute, ISerializationCallbackReceiver


Specifies a method to be used as a predicate to allow VRTK_SDKManager to automatically add and remove scripting define symbols. Only allowed on static methods that take no arguments and return bool.

Class Variables

  • public const string RemovableSymbolPrefix - The prefix of scripting define symbols that must be used to be able to automatically remove the symbols. Default: "VRTK_DEFINE_"
  • public string symbol - The scripting define symbol to conditionally add or remove.
  • public BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup - The build target group to use when conditionally adding or removing .

Class Methods


public SDK_ScriptingDefineSymbolPredicateAttribute(string symbol, string buildTargetGroupName)

  • Parameters
  • string symbol - The scripting define symbol to conditionally add or remove. Needs to start with to be able to automatically remove the symbol. and aren't allowed.
  • string buildTargetGroupName - The name of a constant of . , and aren't allowed.
  • Returns
  • none

Creates a new attribute.


public SDK_ScriptingDefineSymbolPredicateAttribute(SDK_ScriptingDefineSymbolPredicateAttribute attributeToCopy)

  • Parameters
  • SDK_ScriptingDefineSymbolPredicateAttribute attributeToCopy - The attribute to copy.
  • Returns
  • none

Creates a new attribute by copying an existing one.